Sunday, August 2, 2015

Road Trip Day 4 & 5

We've had a whirlwind past couple of days centered around the wedding of my cousin Laura which went wonderfully!  We had a great day yesterday at the wedding and reception but prior to the wedding in the morning, my brother Dan, sister-in-law Beth and I went to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs (see photos) which was amazing.  We had a nice hike and enjoyed seeing this magical place.

 balanced rock at Garden of the Gods (above)

This morning the girls and I drove to Rocky Mountain National Park which was awesome.  It was a busy Sunday there but we were able to do some hiking and saw plenty of wildlife including elk and moose.  We took an extended trip through the mountains and returned to Fort Collins, CO and enjoyed dinner and a stroll.  The downtown was filled with great plantings, containers and a colorful piano (see below).  The adventure continues tomorrow!

 planters in Fort Collins, CO (above and below)

neatly painted, functional piano as part of an art installation

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